Our team

PhaRA is a unique team of junior and senior consultants who like to work hard and enjoy being part of your team. PhaRA was founded by Ingrid Theeuwes in 2002. Ingrid is a pharmacist and holds the TOPRA Diploma in EU Regulatory Affairs from Cardiff University in Wales, and has over 20 years of experience in International Regulatory Affairs.

Our knowledge and our people are our greatest asset. We continuously invest in education to ensure that our consultants display a strong regulatory technical expertise, facing the challenges of a continuously changing European regulatory environment.
Our consultants can work remotely or onsite, supported by a resourceful back office.

Our multilingual team is open-minded and internationally oriented, as most of us have lived, studied and/or worked in different parts of the world. We are flexible, and are used to work with tight time constraints. As such, we can quickly adapt to your company culture in order to successfully fit into your department.

Having such a team of talented and dynamic individuals enables us to bring in the appropriate resources tailored to the client’s needs and organization, adding value to your company starting from day 1.